If you see that a product has a high DOH, it may mean that you need to adjust your production levels downwards. On the other hand, if a product has a low DOH, it may be time to ramp up production. Allison Champion leads marketing communication at Flowspace, where she works to develop content that addresses the unique challenges facing modern brands in omnichannel eCommerce. She has more than a decade of experience in content development and marketing.

  • It guides companies toward more efficient inventory management and improved financial health.
  • From determining the DIO of each brand, you can easily see which brands are doing well relative to other brands.
  • Mathematically, the number of days in the corresponding period is calculated using 365 for a year and 90 for a quarter.
  • If the historical inventory days metric remains constant, the historical average can be used to project the inventory balance.

Inventory Days on Hand (IDOH) is a financial metric used to determine the average number of days a company holds inventory before selling it. It helps businesses evaluate their inventory management efficiency and make informed decisions regarding stock levels, purchasing, and order fulfillment. IDOH is calculated by dividing the average inventory value by the cost of goods sold (COGS) and multiplying the result by the number of days in the period being analyzed. Managing inventory levels is vital for most businesses, and it is especially important for retail companies or those selling physical goods. For calculation purposes, products regarded as “work in progress” (WIP) are covered in the inventory.DSI is a principal component of a company’s potential to handle its inventory. The result is subsequently multiplied by the number of days in a particular year, quarter, or month.

How Often Should I Calculate Inventory Days?

Inventory levels should be low because the fewer days a company holds inventory, the better your eCommerce business. Depending on the type of eCommerce business you run, calculating your DOH formula helps prevent any spoilage if you hold food or perishable goods in stock. The longer the items stay in inventory, the increased risk of spoilage or deadstock.

Enhance your understanding of the process while optimizing your content for search engines. In order to efficiently manage inventories and balance idle stock with being understocked, many experts agree that a good DSI is somewhere between 30 and 60 days. This, of course, will vary by industry, company size, and other factors. A low DSI suggests that a firm is able to efficiently convert its inventories into sales.

Manage and Monitor Inventory Values With NetSuite

If a company’s inventory turns out too excessive, it is because the company continues restocking despite poor sales. A lower number of inventory days 3 ways business owners can use rent as a tax deduction indicates better inventory turnover and cash flow. Companies want to avoid excess inventory that is costly to store and risks becoming obsolete.

Industry Benchmarks

Below is a break down of subject weightings in the FMVA® financial analyst program. As you can see there is a heavy focus on financial modeling, finance, Excel, business valuation, budgeting/forecasting, PowerPoint presentations, accounting and business strategy. The carrying cost of inventory, which includes rent, insurance, storage costs, and other expenses related to holding inventory, may directly impact profit margin if not managed properly.


A low DSI reflects fast sales of inventory stocks and thus would minimize handling costs, as well as increase cash flow. Essentially, it is a measure of time a company needs to expend a stock of inventory on average. Overseeing inventory days on hand will assist a company with tracking, forecasting, and calculating the period for which the existing inventory stock will last or become exhausted. How rapidly a company can sell its inventory for cash can be inferred from a metric known as ‘Days in Inventory’. In other words, it is the average time a company holds its inventory before selling it.It is crucial to calculate days in inventory because it denotes how efficiently the company operates.

What DSI Tells You

A good inventory turnover ratio, which is inversely related to the Inventory Days Ratio, is between 5 and 10 for most industries, indicating that inventory is sold and restocked every 1-2 months. A good days of inventory can vary based on the product, but on average, is between 30 and 60 days. Having good days of inventory levels will vary based on the company size, the industry, and other factors.

Helps optimize your inventory management

However, it’s crucial to consider your unique circumstances, customer behavior, and market dynamics when evaluating your inventory days against benchmarks. A lower value may indicate efficient turnover, but it could lead to stockouts. Conversely, a higher value may suggest overstocking, impacting cash flow negatively. Uncover common challenges businesses face when optimizing inventory days. Gain valuable insights into overcoming obstacles and streamlining your inventory management processes.